Sunday, November 17, 2013

Using field trip items to create art and deepening of content (extension to Portage Trail and Riverview Cemetery field trip)

Before we went on the field trip, we were told to bring a bag so we could collect some things found on our the field trip. We were not told what these items were going to be used for. We just knew we needed to collect items that were meaningful to us. I collected acorn shells, sand, twigs, leafs, and an artificial poinsettia leaf. We found out next class, that we were going to use the items we found to make an art piece that represented what we learned or experienced on the trip. We discussed how knowing before hand would have negatively affected our experience, because we would have been too concerned about what to take with us. After making our art piece, we wrote how the our creation represented what we learned or experienced. This is a creative way to integrate art with social studies. Students are learning about history, but they are also using critical thinking and creativity to synthesize what their new knowledge.

My art piece was about the portage trail.  The sand is the trail, ant the acorn shells, poinsettia leaf, and twig represent what I found on the way. The poinsettia leaf would have probably not been there when the trail was used, but it still represents a "thing" encountered on the path. I wonder what sort of things La Salle saw on his way down the trail.

This was from classmate, Jessica Leatherman.

This was from Heather Stutzman.

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